A has been enjoying her new wall chalkboard, she's learning how to draw snakes and people (at least she is trying, the ones there are ones i did, she keeps making me do them for her)
These guys are for something we are making or A's 3rd birthday party, the project isn't done yet but i like them so far.
These are not done yet either (obviously) but here they are so far, nursery art. I have to add outlines, and embellishments still.
Here are quiet books I've been working on for the kids. Like everything else in this post, they are not done yet, this is what I have so far...
A gardening page in A's book...
A driving page in G's (not finished have to decide what else to add to this page)
A dress up page in A's ha ha. I think the girl is pretty crazy looking but oh well. A likes her. It's hard to tell in the picture but the mirror is from an old CD so it actually reflects.
That's just a bit of what we've been up to lately besides feeding G every few hours and changing his diapers and washing them. I'm using cloth diapers this time. I planned to do that with A but chickened out in the end. This time I discovered Snappies though and they are making my life wonderful!!! Diaper pins are what freaked me out most last time (I have mostly prefolds and I was worried about poking her)