Man, It's already been a week and once again my good intentions have not led to more posting at all!!! This is terrible. :( With a 6 month old who seems to be in a "hold me all the time please mommy or I will scream" stage and Aurora, and life of course, I seem to find time for either this or my photography business. It seems to go back and forth between those two depending on what's going on, how many clients I have and all that.
So despite putting most of my "free time" (ha ha!! as if we moms of babies and young kids have any REAL free time-which is why I stay up WAY too late every night) into my business, I have been tossing an idea around in my head for a long time for a series o(n this blog) that I am pretty excited about. I haven't seen anything like it yet (doesn't mean it's not out there, just that I haven't seen it - nothing new under the sun right?) I am hoping to get it up pretty soon!! I am so excited! so stay tuned!!
Besides that our week has mostly consisted of keeping Gideon happy, or that is how it seems to me. (It's just a stage, it's just a stage!) The weather is starting to warm up so we've been getting out more which is great!!
My family tapped trees to make maple syrup this year which was AWESOME!! We've talked about doing it for ages but finally did this year. Now I admit, I was really only
supervising ok, just watching and chatting and taking pictures which Gideon strapped to my back while Aurora running around in the mud with my nephew.(it was super sunny and Elliot is very fast, but here is a quick pic of him covered in mud and completely drenched eating ice cream)
And here is one of the sap! :)
I'm excited that spring is finally on it's way so we can get out more, do more nature studies and all the wonderful things that come with spring, summer, and fall.
So bear with me if I am bad about keeping up, and stay tuned for the series, I think all you homeschool moms will really enjoy it, or I hope so!! :)