March 19, 2012

warm weather, worms and water

The weather has been gloriously warm here! It's really crazy to think that this is March!! Usually we still have a lot of snow!! Instead we are wearing flip flops and shorts, getting sun burns if we aren't careful and really enjoying being outside.

This week Aurora has become very interested in worms. We've found quite a few and some really huge ones hiding under the leaves that we cleaned our of the garden, so we've been talking about worms, what they eat, how they help plants and what animals like to eat worms.

We've also been talking a bit about how dams work. There is one by our house that she loves to walk to and we've been talking about how it can stop the water or let the water flow through.

We started reading Little Women. I wouldn't have picked it for her yet, but I have a really beautiful edition with greats pictures in it so she got excited about it and begged me to read it to her. We are also reading an old book called Adventures in Animal Land. It was mine when I was a kid and loved it. She's really enjoying it so far too, we are about 5 chapters in.


  1. Thanks for stopping by, following you on GFC! it's always warm where we are, but all my friends/family back home have been talking about the very mild winter and the beautifully warm (and early) spring!

  2. Thanks back at you! Yes, it's hard to believe it is March!


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